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From Foal To Maturity

As I start another journey with two foals, as a bodyworker I am already noticing subtle differences between them and how movement even though very minor varies between the two.

Chewing and jaw movement. Interesting that Horace (the brown and white one) chews to the left and Henry (the black and white one) chews to the right and this also follows their footfall movement and which leg lands first, Henry also lands toe first while Horace lands with heel first

Feed.. They have access to excellent quality grazing and also good quality hay and that will be their forage as they mature. I will be adding in a youngstock mix for the first few months so they can have all the right nutrition as we approach winter, their field is also full of natural herbs and foliage to help support their system

Handling... Day one they ran away but by day three they are coming up and being inquisitive and getting used to my call and I want all associations to be positive ones, they need to be prepared for life and that will include handling with calm and kindness, I am lucky that my daughter is an equine podiatrist with the same ethics of horsemanship as me so feet trimming will not be a traumatic experience.

They will have a full vet check over in a few weeks when they are settled and then bodywork will start as it is important foals have gentle work to iron out any issues that may have occurred during well just being a young horse

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